Content Marketing Blog

Dog dressed as a pilot in front of a plane

5 Things I’ve Learned Writing for the Travel Industry

We asked one of our writers, Dr Jill, to give us an insider’s view on writing for global travel companies. Sit back, pour yourself an ouzo, fasten your seatbelt and store your baggage in the overhead locker. But not in that order. Cabin doors to manual! Or something… - Writing for...

What is Authority Content?

We class authority content as articles meant to educate your reader on an aspect of your industry. This blog series on the Six Content Types You Should Consider For Your Business is an example of authority content, since our aim is to share our ideas around content categories and...

What is Pricing Content?

Pricing content is – perhaps unsurprisingly – the content category that helps your prospect understand how much they need to spend in order to work with you. Ideally, pricing content covers more than just how much you charge. It should give transparent information about why you charge that, and...

How We Write Great Copy that Fits Your Design

If you’re a web designer, you wield the power to create beautiful websites. That, in itself, is so awesome that there ought to be a new word for it, like amazemungous, or wowabungoid, but not those obviously. A better one. But do you find that sometimes the sites you...

What is Action Content?

Action content consists of articles that help your ideal client understand what they can expect when they work with you. It guides them through your processes and stops them from becoming confused about what’s required from them at any point. It gives them articles to refer back to, and...

What is Affinity Content?

Affinity content talks about who you are, your opinions, and your values. It’s your chance to share your story and the causes you support. We’ve all heard the phrase “know, like, and trust.” Affinity content gives your readers the chance to know you and the option to like you,...

What is Repelling Content?

Repelling content is content designed to keep unsuitable clients away. It lets prospects know when your service will not be the best choice for them, or your values don’t align, before they even put their toe over your virtual threshold. When done well, repelling content will stop these people...

What is Attraction Content?

Attraction content is the first of our six content categories, and it’s both the simplest to explain and the easiest to overuse. Attraction content is, as you would expect, content designed to attract your ideal customer to your website, and ultimately, your business. This can be achieved by talking...