Your WordHound blog post
Straight to the point. Interesting topic. Perfect spelling and impeccable grammar. We guarantee that we’ll deliver all of these with your WordHound blog post. But guess what? So does every other agency out there. These things are pretty standard. In fact, if you find a content agency that doesn’t offer them, we’ll send you a free WordHound-branded inkwell and quill set, in Bavarian onyx*. These elements all come together to make a good blog post, not necessarily a great one, and at WordHound we’re not happy unless we’re bringing our clients unbounded greatness.
So, apart from the obvious, what else can you expect from your WordHound blog post?
At WordHound, we deliver…
…Content that’s different
Do you have any idea just how many pieces of content are floating around the web? No? Nor do we. But it’s definitely a lot. And if you consider that, each day, there are 682 million new tweets, 4 million hours of new YouTube content, 4.3 billion Facebook posts, and 67,305,600 Instagram posts, you’ll forgive us for not really fancying the idea of adding it all up. The point is that there are quite literally billions of blog posts web users can choose to read… so what’s going to make them choose yours?
That’s easy: because yours is different. Yours is a WordHound blog that dares to stand out from the crowd. Imagine you’ve asked us to create a blog about the benefits of a content strategy. Your audience can read about the exact same benefits on hundreds of websites, which is why we go beyond the obvious. Our blog posts may not feature the usual list of points, and they may not look at the issues from the usual perspective, but they do give your readers something that they’re not going to find anywhere else.
…Content that doesn’t lie
Did you know that, in a 2018 study by Japanese researchers, it was found that eating your dinner while looking at a pair of slippers can reduce restless leg syndrome at night? That’s a complete lie, of course, but it’s shocking just how many businesses are posting blogs that don’t offer anything to back up the claims they’re making. Without this support, blogs lack credibility, and they lack trust.
At WordHound, our content doesn’t lie. When we include a figure, a number, a statistic, or an idea, we back that idea up with support from authoritative sources. We don’t pluck ideas out of thin air; we research, and we deliver messages that can be trusted by your audience. Did you know that the nostril is the most painful place** to get a bee sting? Now that one is true, as you can see from this study.
…Content that does something
What do you normally do when you finish reading a blog post? Move on? Get on with your day? Start your next task? Think about what, if anything, is going to happen on EastEnders tonight? Then those blogs have failed to do their jobs. Blog posts aren’t just for fun. Blogs are a tool, and they should always be facilitating some sort of action from your readership.
Our content isn’t passive; each and every blog post we lovingly fashion has a purpose, whether that’s to sell a product, promote a service, boost brand visibility, increase downloads, generate sponsorship, or even get ideas for what to say next time Cousin Myrtle asks if you’re coming to church on Sunday. With a clear call to action, our content leaves your readers eager to take the next step.
…Content that shows, not tells
No one knows your business like you do. Not even your customers. And sometimes, that can be hard. When you know your products and your services inside out, it’s very easy to write at a level that’s way above your audience’s head. And that’s why we create content that doesn’t tell your audience about your chosen topic; it shows them. We write for your customers, in a way that engages them.
How? We don’t just talk about an idea. We find ways to help your readers to visualise it, too. By bringing in things like quotes from industry leaders, real world examples, and even documented case studies, we help your audience to see how your idea can apply to them, or connect with them. But don’t worry – we’ll never reference a direct competitor. We deliver blogs that benefit your business, not anyone else’s.
It’s different with WordHound
So as you can see, you get a little bit more with WordHound than you may get elsewhere. We’re not like others, and we’re OK with that. We think you’ll be OK with that, too. But neither of us will know unless you give us a try. Get in touch, and let us deliver you a blog post that really is the cat’s fanciest pyjamas.
*If we ever get some made, which is extremely unlikely because I’ve just made them up.
**WordHound Ltd does not advocate the testing of this statement. WordHound Ltd takes no responsibility for marital issues caused by bee-related personal trauma. You are advised to consult a doctor before entering a room full of bees while nude.